We capture your essence, intention and vision.

We share your story, unleashing your unique expression and ideas with the world.

We anchor moments in time, using visuals as tools for reflection and connection, inviting us deeper into an experience with self and others.

The Photo Menu /

The Photo Menu /

Signature Packages


  • For everyday humans.

    This photoshoot in nature is about capturing you as you are - documenting this moment in time, and anchoring in this season of life.

    My intention is for you to look back through the photos and feel “wow these are so ME!!”

    This experience is an invitation and initiation into being seen, by yourself and others - as photos are powerful tools for reflection and connection.

    I will share powerful energetic practices - to support you to embody, channel and express you.

    *Note: if you are a business owner or a personal brand with the intent to use imagery for marketing purposes, I recommend the Brand Essence Capture package - as you can customise the photoshoot experience to suit your needs and I offer support on creative direction (the Spirit Portraits Experience is a photoshoot in nature - with no business lens).

    Alternatively, if you are a photoshoot virgin - this package may be a nice place to start and embody courage in front of the lens.

  • Portraits, body movements, and you in relation to natures landscapes.

  • Dates - flexible from Thursdays > Saturdays.

    Location - choose from 1 of 3 nature locations within the Eastern Suburbs, or suggest your own.

    Clothing - option for 2 x outfits.

  • 1 hour photoshoot experience in nature.

    Viewing Gallery with 50+ images. Allow up to 4 weeks.

    Delivery of chosen imagery to align with your package - in high resolution (best for printing) and web size (best for socials). Allow one week.

  • $600 (15 images)

    $750 (30 images)

    $900 (50 images)

    $1,200 (full gallery)

    Enquire below or email


  • For personal brands and business owners.

    This photoshoot is about capturing the essence of you, your business and your services.

    You have an intention to build or strengthen your visual communication, and magnetise your dream people to work with.

    This imagery may be used across your website, social channels and other marketing materials in creating a strong presence and well recognised brand identity.

    Consistent and eye-catching imagery will elevate your brand, deepen your connection with your audience, and allow you to tell stories with a creative lens. People will feel your essence, you won’t have to say it.

    This photoshoot is a sacred space to transform and evolve, and is an initiation into allowing others to truly see and feel you.

    I will share powerful energetic practices - to support you to embody, channel and express you.

    *This package allows you to customise your photoshoot experience - to ensure the images align with the creative direction and the vision of your brand. Photoshoot details such as location, clothing, time of day and style of imagery are planned within the Clarity call, and are guided by your branding.

  • Portraits and body movements - depending on what services you offer. Think stock imagery, although through my artistic lens - location aesthetics, objects/tools you use to deliver your services, products you sell of use, close ups and details.

  • Dates - flexible from Thursdays > Saturdays.

    Location - choose 1 location or extend your photoshoot time for 2 x locations.

    Clothing - option for 2 x outfits.

  • 30 minute Clarity Call - mood-board, creative direction, brand values and vision. Planning our photoshoot experience details. *This is an essential part of my process and ensures I deliver on the brief.

    1 hour photoshoot in chosen location. Option to add another hour and shoot location at an extra cost.

    Viewing Gallery with 50+ images. Allow up to 4 weeks.

    Delivery of chosen imagery to align with your package - in high resolution (best for printing) and web size (best for socials). Allow one week.

  • $750 (15 images)

    $900 (30 images)

    $1,050 (50 images)

    $1,200 (70 images)

    +$200 to add another hour of photoshoot time (and location).

    Enquire below or email

The Photo Menu /

The Photo Menu /

Bespoke / Custom Packages

Photography and Video for:





“An artist and visionary who is highly intuitive and creative.”

— Carolyn Rita Hickey, Take A Breath Studio